An All-Natural Tummy Tea that has been fortified with fennel, peppermint, and liquorice root. If you are looking for ways to address bloating and improve digestion, then this blend can offer a remedy. Enjoy: You may consume the tea after meals or when you are feeling bloated, to ease any chronic digestion difficulties.

  • Date:30/11/2025 03:00 PM
  • Location The Tea House, Bradbury NSW, Australia (Map)


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Bloating Remedy Tea is safe for the most people. However, one should be careful about compromising with blood pressure with liquorice root which if taken in high dosages can affect the latter. Hypertensive patients and those on antihypertensive therapy should consult their healthcare professional before sipping this tea. Other advice is that pregnant women should obtain a medical check before drinking herbal mix including peppermint or, liquorice root itself.